Denice’s Priorities for Culver City

Public Safety

As your Councilmember, I will work to ensure the safety and well-being of all Culver City residents in every neighborhood at all times of the day. Your safety and well-being are my top priorities.

  • Ensure our Police Department has the resources it requires while also addressing protocol concerns from residents

  • Allocate the required resources to the Fire Department to enable them to maintain their Class 1 status

  • Investing in cutting-edge technology that is tailored to the specific needs of our departments will enhance their operational capabilities and overall efficiency

  • Allocate resources aimed at reducing response times for all Emergency Services


The issue of homelessness has been rapidly growing in California in recent years, and Culver City is no exception. I am committed to ensuring that our City Council continues to prioritize this urgent issue and proactively addresses these problems with direct, local solutions.

  • Working with our City Manager to explore strategies for providing continued support to the Mobile Crisis Team.

  • Discouraging encampments on streets and sidewalks by offering alternative safer solutions

  • Treating unhoused individuals for their specific needs by recognizing that the root cause of homelessness varies by individual and cannot be addressed with a broad, one-size-fits-all system


We must also address our affordable housing crisis. More housing is needed, but drastic rezoning measures are not the solution. On the City Council, I will work to:

  • Encourage the development of mixed-use projects along commercial corridors to allow people to live closer to shops, restaurants, essential services, and public transportation

  • Find mutually beneficial solutions for both landlords and renters to help ensure fair and sustainable housing options for all

  • Prioritize the preservation of the character and quality of our neighborhoods and ensure that the control over housing decisions remains in the hands of local decision makers

Climate Resiliency

As a community, it is imperative that we look after our planet and work hard to find solutions that enable us to reduce our carbon footprint, decrease energy use and find more innovative ways to encourage sustainability. As your Councilmember, I will be committed to the following initiatives:

  • Implementing comprehensive recycling and organic waste collection programs to encompass all types of buildings, including residential, commercial, and industrial, throughout the city

  • Facilitating accessible and transparent communication regarding sanitation services and promoting best practices for waste management

  • Collaborating with West Basin Municipal Water District and Golden State Water Company to provide detailed information and resources on water conservation

Transportation & Mobility

Everyone in Culver City should be able to travel safely regardless of which mode of transportation they prefer. Safe, efficient, and low-cost options should be available whether someone chooses to walk, bike or drive. As your Councilmember, I will:

  • Advocate for practical and sensible transportation solutions that benefit our community

  • Collaborating closely with city staff and residents to guarantee the safety of all transportation corridors for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists

  • Finding mutually beneficial solutions for areas of our city that currently do not adequately serve commuters

City Services & Infrastructure

Culver City should work for every resident, and I am committed to supporting the public works that make our community a safe and beautiful place to live. This entails maintaining our parks, sidewalks, streetlights, and roads to ensure that everyone can navigate our city freely and effortlessly.

  • Enhance the capabilities of the Public Works team to improve their responsiveness to residents' needs

  • Establish a more frequent maintenance schedule for city facilities to ensure their proper upkeep

  • Engage residents in their neighborhoods to identify specific solutions for their needs and concerns

Small Business

Growing up in Culver City, some of my favorite memories surround supporting the many small businesses that are the heart of our community. As a member of the City Council, I am committed to ensuring that these businesses have the support and resources they need to thrive and remain an integral part of our city. I am dedicated to fostering a more business-friendly environment in Culver City.

  • Transforming City Hall into a centralized hub that provides comprehensive assistance for all business needs, including streamlining permit processes, providing clear procedures, and establishing accessible points of contact for any inquiries

  • Internship programs that align with the interests of our students, enabling them to explore diverse opportunities and preparing them for successful careers within Culver City

  • Additional Shop Local Days, attracting our residents to actively support our local small businesses on specific days throughout the year

  • Connect vacant storefronts with local artists to allow our Culver City artists a place to display their art while beautifying our neighborhoods